尝试写个小 Python 脚本来提取 Word 需求文档里的内容,结果发现读取文档里的表格性能有点差,特别是在读取行数比较多(几百)的表格时,速度非常慢。


from docx import Document
doc = Document(filepath)
for tbl in doc.tables:
  for row in tbl.rows:
    value = row.cells[0].text

结果对于一个大概 800 多行的表格,需要花费十几分钟才能解析完,从表格一开始大概半秒一行到后来一秒多一行,完全不能理解为啥会这么慢!


再后来去翻看了 python-docx 的官方文档,想着也许有什么我不知道的接口可能更适合我的使用场景,然后在这里就看到比较奇怪的东西了:

class _Row(Parented):
    """Table row."""

    def cells(self) -> Tuple[_Cell]:
        """Sequence of |_Cell| instances corresponding to cells in this row."""
        return tuple(self.table.row_cells(self._index))

行的 cells 方法实际是调用了表格的 row_cells 方法,而表格的 row_cells 方法又是这么定义的:

class Table(Parented):
    """Proxy class for a WordprocessingML ``<w:tbl>`` element."""

    def row_cells(self, row_idx: int) -> List[_Cell]:
        """Sequence of cells in the row at `row_idx` in this table."""
        column_count = self._column_count
        start = row_idx * column_count
        end = start + column_count
        return self._cells[start:end]

    def _cells(self) -> List[_Cell]:
        """A sequence of |_Cell| objects, one for each cell of the layout grid.

        If the table contains a span, one or more |_Cell| object references are
        col_count = self._column_count
        cells = []
        for tc in self._tbl.iter_tcs():
            for grid_span_idx in range(tc.grid_span):
                if tc.vMerge == ST_Merge.CONTINUE:
                elif grid_span_idx > 0:
                    cells.append(_Cell(tc, self))
        return cells

也就是说,row_cells 引用的 _cells 看上去每次被调用时都在重新构建一个新的列表???

不确定是否完全理解这些代码及其目的,尝试在自己的代码直接拿到 _cells,然后基于行列坐标自己去访问想要读取的 cell,结果对于上面说的那个 800 多行的表格,不到一秒就访问完了!差不多三个数量级的性能提升?


from docx import Document
doc = Document(filepath)
for tbl in doc.tables:
  cells = tbl._cells
  row_count = len(tbl.rows)
  col_count = tbl._column_count
  for row in range(0, row_count):
    value = cells[row * col_count].text